Our People


David has a background as a Certified Practicing Accountant with considerable experience in capital raising, business development and property development, with over 30 years experience in business development. David is currently Executive Chairman of the ASX Listed Questus Limited, a Funds Manager and Property Asset Manager and Developer. David is also Chairman of the ASX Listed CI Resources Ltd, a phosphate mining company located on Christmas Island with plantation investments in Malaysia.

David has previously worked for Coopers & Lybrand and was a senior partner with a large Western Australian accounting practice from 1988 to 1995. In 1995, David started a management consulting firm with a focus on equity investments in a range of businesses including firms involved in the construction, manufacturing, retail, mining and property development sectors.

Dr. Nicholas Malajczuk 

Dr. Nicholas Malajczuk is the Managing Director of Treetec Consulting, is forestry educated and has over 25 years research experience as a scientist with CSIRO, Division of Forestry. Dr. Malajczuk’s professional expertise includes Australian and international research on plantation establishment and nutrition in both temperate and tropical/sub-tropical environments.

Treetec Consulting Pty Ltd has initiated the growing of truffles in Western Australia and Tasmania, the production of inoculum of mycorrhizal fungi for forest nurseries and promoted the growing of irrigated Paulownia trees on farm lands in Australia. Dr Malajczuk has combined production with ongoing research, encouraging and funding positions within the Universities and acted as consultant to private investment companies in Australia growing eucalypts, teak, brushwood and sandalwood.

Gábor Herceg

Gábor is our man on the ground and is highly structured in his approach.  Gábor maintains the farm on a daily basis supervising the health of the trees alongside Dr Nick, undertaking soil analysis to ensure the pH levels are consistent and adequate water is flowing to the trees.

Gábor comes from a background of Hospitality and Horticulture and maintains his own property including Avocados, Blue Gums and Honeybees.  Gábor is highly structured in his approach and is going to be a fantastic addition to the support team.